Thursday, December 1, 2016

Unhealthiest Foods You Thought Weren't That Bad

Cereal:You might think about that a healthy bowl of cereal is the perfect way to start the day and that's what the big food manufacturers are all to believe.However most big brands cereals are

manufactured using a process known as extrusion in which ingredients are heated to extremely high temperatures destroying the natural structure of the grain rendering it toxic add that to the fact that most commercial cereals are full of sugar and other additives.

You'd be better off with something else if you go down to a chilli's restaurant with the expectation of enjoying a healthy meal then you're in for a shock  they're fajita beef quesadillas come with rice and beans.

For flour tortillas and a startling array of condiments included while this sounds fairly delicious and there's never anything wrong with combining two fantastic dishes.The calorie content of the dish is the equivalent to nearly a dozen donuts and contains the same saturated fat as forty four strips of bacon.


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